Recipe for Success: Dave Grohl

Dave Grohl on Retirement Tours, Nirvana Reunion Footage - Rolling Stone
Image of Dave Grohl from

Born: January 14, 1969, Warren Ohio

Personal Success Definition

I define success as a person who creates something that others can connect with or that can help others. Success is also something that is only achieved if you believe it is.

Dave Grohl is successful because he was apart of many bands that become very popular and he was able to create and share amazing music with others and have it change their lives as it changed his.

Skills for Success

To become successful, Dave Grohl needed to know how to write music, produce, and play instruments to get to where he is now. Because he learned how to do all that, he became a famous rock star.

Dave Grohl is 1.) a talented composer, 2.) a music genius and 3.) a nice guy. Dave Grohl started his first band when he was only 10 years old. “After dropping out in his junior year, he joined the Washington, D.C.-based hardcore band, Scream. Grohl appeared on three of the group’s albums and toured with them several times”( He then went to Seattle to audition for Nirvana. After Kurt Cobains death, Grohl was in Foo Fighters and to cope with the sadness he was experiencing, he wrote the lyrics for all of the songs of their first album and played most of the instruments. Grohl is known for being a generally nice person and caring about his fans and an extremely talented musician.

How They Used These Skills

Grohl used his incredible music skills for success by being apart of several bands and getting his name known.

Dave Grohl: The Path To Nirvana – DRUM! Magazine
Dave Grohl in the studio for Nirvana

Dave was completely self taught and started playing a variety of instruments from a very young age. With this talent, he was able to join/form many different bands. Grohl has been apart of 12 different bands, a handful of them were very very successful.

Challenges Overcome

The main challenges that Dave Grohl had to overcome were different things that he had to cope through.

When Grohl was 7, his parents got a divorce and that’s the main reason he started playing guitar in the first place. When Kurt Cobain died, Dave went into a really bad phase of drug abuse for awhile. To cope with the pain he wrote the music for the first album for Foo Fighters. All of these sad things led to his success. Music was his main coping mechanism and it did wonders for him.

Significant Work

Dave Grohl has played with so many random groups for just a song or for a whole album. He joined Cage the Elephant for a little after their drummer’s appendix burst. He played with the Hollywood Vampires for a night when their drummer couldn’t make it. He has even been on Sesame Street. Grohl has done so much for so many different bands and he has just been there for help or for fun… maybe a bit of both.,1200&w=1200



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